Wendy Messeloff

Jofa (North America) and JOFA Australia Writers Workshop
February 2024

Writing in a Time of Crisis: Learn how to elevate your voice and share your unique insights, through our two-part writers workshop. In times of turmoil and uncertainty, it’s vital to express our perspectives and concerns. We’re offering up to 12 passionate women the opportunity to embark on an empowering journey of how to write

Jofa (North America) and JOFA Australia Writers Workshop
February 2024
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Jofa and Yeshivat Maharat
Israel Solidarity Mission
January 8-10, 2024

Jofa and Yeshivat Maharat are pleased to announce a joint solidarity mission to Israel, taking place from midday Monday, January 8, through Wednesday evening January 10, 2024. The mission will include on-the-ground visiting, volunteering, and learning initiatives, supporting women, evacuees, female soldiers, and all of Am Yisrael at this critical time. Help us bring chizuk

Jofa and Yeshivat Maharat
Israel Solidarity Mission
January 8-10, 2024
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Jofa, NCJW, Israel Women’s Network, and 140+ Women’s Organizations Call for Urgent Action – Response to October 13 UN Women Statement

This is a response to the statement issued by UN WOMEN on 13 October, which completely ignores the horrific situation of more than 220 innocent hostages, women, men and children, from the age of 9 months to 85 years old as well as the brutal attack and atrocities led by Hamas against Israeli citizens, including

Jofa, NCJW, Israel Women’s Network, and 140+ Women’s Organizations Call for Urgent Action – Response to October 13 UN Women Statement Read More »

Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan
“Food for Thought:
A Learning & Tasting Event
Exploring Talmudic Heroines”
Stamford, Connecticut

Jofa is pleased to offer another event in its “Food for Thought” series –in Stamford, Connecticut, on Sunday evening, October 15! RSVP NOW TO JOIN US! Join us to nourish your mind, body, and spirit. Learn about women in the Talmud with Daphne Lazar Price, Executive Director of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance. Register and bring

Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan
“Food for Thought:
A Learning & Tasting Event
Exploring Talmudic Heroines”
Stamford, Connecticut
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Hilkhot Nashim: Havdalah Community Learning in Philadelphia

We’re thrilled to announce the first event in our local Hilkhot Nashim Community Learning series! Join Jofa in Philadelphia on Tuesday, October 17, at 7PM, for in-depth learning and discussion in Hilkhot Nashim — Volume II, led by Ruthie Braffman Shulman, Community Scholar and Yoetzet Halacha, on the topic of women reciting havdalah. RSVP HERE

Hilkhot Nashim: Havdalah Community Learning in Philadelphia
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“Shema Bekolah: The High Holiday Collection” — Available Now!

We’re proud to announce that Jofa’s “Shema Bekolah: The High Holiday Collection,” a compendium of divrei Torah by women for the entire high holiday season — including Selichot, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah — is now available, via Amazon! Click here to order! We thank everyone who contributed to this

“Shema Bekolah: The High Holiday Collection” — Available Now! Read More »