Jofa Weekly, 2/6/25: Owning Our Faith
This week’s parsha, Shemot, describes Moshe’s rise to power in Egypt, and his evolution as the reluctant hero who will lead the Israelites from slavery to freedom.
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This week’s parsha, Shemot, describes Moshe’s rise to power in Egypt, and his evolution as the reluctant hero who will lead the Israelites from slavery to freedom.
This week’s parsha, Shemot, describes Moshe’s rise to power in Egypt, and his evolution as the reluctant hero who will lead the Israelites from slavery to freedom.
This week’s parsha, Shemot, describes Moshe’s rise to power in Egypt, and his evolution as the reluctant hero who will lead the Israelites from slavery to freedom.
This week’s parsha, Shemot, describes Moshe’s rise to power in Egypt, and his evolution as the reluctant hero who will lead the Israelites from slavery to freedom.
In the Mishneh Torah (Teshuvah 2:10), Rambam asserts, “When the person who wronged him asks for forgiveness, he should forgive him with a complete heart and a willing spirit.”
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