Rabbanit Avital Engelberg is the Director of Maharat H-HARETZ in Israel, and serves as Ramit at Midreshet Ein HaNatziv. She also facilitates Orthodox weddings outside the rabbinate with the CHUPPOT organization. Rabbanit Avital was a fellow of the halakha program at Midreshet Lindenbaum and holds a B.A. in Theatre from Tel Aviv University, and a Master’s degree in Talmud from Bar Ilan University. She served as Rabbanit at Congregation Beth Sholom in Providence, RI, and has taught Talmud at Yeshivat Maharat, and various Jewish educational institutions in Israel, including Elul, Beit Midrash Alma, Midreshet Ein Prat, and Israel’s Bronfman Youth Fellowship Program.

LAST CHANCE: RSVP for Book Talk with Gila Fine, New York City, Sunday Evening, June 2
On Sunday, June 2, at 7:30PM, on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, Gila Fine will discuss her brand new book, “The Madwoman in the