Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah

Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah

With many thanks to Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe,

Jofa has resources to help you learn to leyn Megillat Kohelet for Shabbat Sukkot,

or V’zot HaBracha for Simchat Torah.

If you need to borrow a Torah for your women’s tefillah, partnership minyan, or lifecycle celebration,

please see info on our Torah Lending Program, and contact us at

As we continue to build our website, we now have a few divrei Torah by women for Sukkot, from our Shema Bekolah and Vehigadet Levitekh series.

Lastly, if your community is having a women’s hakafot and/or Torah reading on Simchat Torah, please let us know here. If you’re looking for a women’s hakafot and/or Torah reading to attend, please check our listings in progress, here.

Wishing all a Chag Sameach!

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