Jofa Recent Media

“It’s Your Torah”

Drisha opened its doors in September 1979. Brochures had been distributed listing classes from morning till evening, Monday through Thursday. Women could come to a single class or could come ...
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From Our President

The Evolution of Women’s Learning—and My OwnBy Pam ScheiningerAs international women’s Jewish learning and scholarship have evolved in previously unimaginable ways, so has my own relationship with Jewish text. When ...
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A Part in the Play:
The Female Orthodox Semikhah Student Who Didn’t Want to Become a Rabbi

By Mira NiculescuI never saw myself as a feminist. That’s because I never had to. I was born in the 1980s in Paris into a secular family. I was raised ...
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Movie Review

By Beverly Gertler The Unorthodox, a film sponsored by JOFA in the 2019 Israeli Film Festival at the Marlene Meyerson Jewish Community Center in Manhattan,. is based on the true ...
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Last Summer at Nishmat: How Torah Learning Refreshed my Soul

By Dvorah Levy As a psychotherapist, I am the instrument of my work.In addition to my degree and education, my own personal experiences and the work I’ve done with myself ...
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You Want Me to Teach?

By Abby KoganMy teaching experiences began in May of last year when my synagogue’s youth group was planning to do a joint tikkun leil Shavuot program with one of the ...
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JOFA Organizational News

“My Body, Whose Decision?” On July 29, at the Sixth Street Synagogue in New York City, JOFA held a panel on reproductive choice, looking at the issue from medical, halakhic, ...
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Daf Yomi: A Driver’s Manual

By Yonina Bendheim Jacobson A few Shabbatot ago, while speaking about Parashat Korah, the rabbi of our shul took the opportunity to exhort all of the members of the congregation ...
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Strength in Numbers:
What’s New in Women’s Torah Leadership in Israel

By Karen Miller Jackson Women’s Torah learning, teaching, and leadership is booming in Israel today. The number of beit midrash programs that exist and the number of women studying in ...
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Message from the Executive Director

TITLE T/KBy Daphne Lazar PriceI’m so excited about the editorial board’s choice to focus on women’s learning in this issue of the JOFA Journal. The timing is hardly coincidental. As ...
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Zakhar U’Nekivah Bara Otam:

Learning from Male and Female Teachers, Teaching Male and Female Students DifferentiallyBy Sharon FreundelFor many years, in the girls’ Tanakh classes that I taught at a Modern Orthodox day school, ...
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Sarah Schenirer and the Bais Yaakov Movement: A Revolution in the Name of Tradition

Sarah Schenirer and the Bais Yaakov Movement: A Revolution in the Name of TraditionBy Naomi SeidmanThe Littman Library of Jewish Civilization/ Liverpool University Press, 2019, $44.95By Roselyn BellIf one wanted ...
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Song of Riddles: Deciphering the Song of Songs

By Tammy Jacobowitz For those privileged to grow up with Bible study as a steady companion, the Bible’s distance from the sensibilities, assumptions, and conditions of our world may take ...
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Torah Lishmah: For Women’s Sake 

Camp was over, the children were being picked up by their anxious parents, and we, the exhausted staff, were finally relaxing a little. “So what are you up to now?” asked ...
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On Leaving Academia and Embracing Torah

I no longer consider myself an academic. I have a Ph.D. in rabbinic literature and I use the tools I got from academia every day in my teaching and writing ...
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