Jofa Recent Media

COVID, Creativity, Compassion, and Community

By Candace Plotsker-Herman It’s trite to say that Purim confusion morphed into Pesaḥ disappointment; my world fell apart and then I became resilient. It would be truer to add: and ...
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The Joys (and Some Drawbacks) of Outdoor Davening

By Ellen Levitt We know that we can pray on our own nearly anywhere, anytime, but Judaism does emphasize communal prayer. And many of us appreciate the group atmosphere: We ...
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Teaching in a Pandemic Universe

By Chaye Kohl Teachers are urged to be lifelong learners. My career, infused with professional development, a few degree programs, and some independent study, has modeled that practice for my ...
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My Season of Loss

By Chaye KohlOn the last day of Passover, the Yizkor prayer helps us memorialize our dead. On Pesaḥ 2020 I recited the prayer in the solitude of my living room, ...
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JOFA Makes It Down Under

By Nomi KaltmannAustralia, for most people, conjures images of cuddly koalas, beautiful beaches, and picturesque landscapes with laid-back people. I was born in Melbourne, Australia, and can confirm that for ...
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Devorah ScholarsIn the spring of 2020, the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance awarded Devorah Scholar grants to seven Orthodox synagogues. This innovative program, designed to seed the American landscape with women ...
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A Women’s Tefillah Group Faces the COVID Year

By Susan Hornstein The Women’s Tefillah Group of Raritan Valley, based in Highland Park and Edison, New Jersey, has been meeting regularly for more than thirty years. Most of our ...
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Rebecca’s Unwritten Passing

By Thalia Gur-Klein From one step on a ladder to heaven, I dreamed I was seen and seeing her, far beyond my locked down horizon. Yet underway back I tarried on a thoughtful mountain to wrestle a ...
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Lifting up Our Voices during a Pandemic

By Talya Gordon After moving to a new city during a pandemic as a single twenty-four-year-old woman, I have grown to see the incredible gifts that Judaism has given me. ...
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Welcome to My World!

By Laurie Dinerstein-Kurs I am perplexed. I am amazed. I am also pleasantly moved by the degree to which I read and hear so many people lamenting the difficulties they ...
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Chaya Gorsetman, z”l

Educator of Jewish EducatorsJOFA mourns the passing of Dr. Chaya Gorsetman, a master teacher, champion of women’s inclusion in the day school curriculum, and mentor of Jewish educators. In her ...
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Torah in a Time of Plague: Historical and Contemporary Jewish Responses

Edited by Erin Leib SmoklerBen Yehuda Press. 2021, $24.95 Review by Atara Cohen How do we make sense of the suffering of the COVID-19 pandemic within a Jewish framework? Rabbi ...
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Conceiving Agency: Reproductive Authority among Haredi Women

By Michal S. RaucherIndiana University Press, 2020, $24.Reviewed by Roselyn BellIf you are tired of Ḥaredi women being portrayed as oppressed, uneducated, and subservient to their husbands, Michal Raucher’s Conceiving ...
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Opening a Window: How Tech Can Elevate Women’s Voices on Torah

By Sara Tillinger Wolkenfeld“I don’t know when window shades were invented, but clearly that isn’t an option the Gemara is considering here,” I found myself saying to a class of ...
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A Yeshiva of One’s Own

By Devora Steinmetz “But why do you call it a yeshiva?? A yeshiva is for men. Women learn in midrashot!” This is often the first question that people ask when ...
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