May 25-27
Around the World

May 25-27
Around the World

If you’re organizing a women’s Megillat Ruth reading or learning opportunity for Shavuot, we’d love to hear about it and spread the word! Please simply reply to this email, or drop us a line at

Check out Jofa’s Megillat Ruth & Shavuot Resource Page for excellent recordings, accessible both online and via downloadable Apple app, as well as Shavuot articles from our Jofa Journal.

Jofa is deeply thankful to Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe, for her attention to detail, in creating high-quality recordings designed for learning.

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Events & Updates

Purim Recap 5784/2024

By all accounts, Purim this year was an ideal time for dozens of communities around the world to offer meaningful opportunities for women to participate

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